RF Eas system with people counter
Nowadays, the market demands for products are becoming increasingly diverse. Retail store owners want to have more data to analyze their business situation and make appropriate adjustments. In response to customers’ needs, we have launched the first anti-theft antenna with people counting technology.

The modern open aesthetic of the VP70 EAS gate strengthens your store’s appearance and ambiance. Customizable: Its appearance can be completely customized to match the branding of your store, allowing for seamless integration into any store concept.
All Detasec’s VP-LINE EAS gates are equipped with advanced electronics that gather valuable information and offer integration possibilities with other security devices.
Available in multiple frame colors, cover sets in different colors or stainless steel, and with advertisement space that can be optimized for your brand or store, the VP70 EAS gate offers versatile design options.
Real-time insights
The VP70 EAS gate provides real-time insight and control with in-store and organization-wide dashboards, offering valuable information for optimizing store performance.